Paprika Recipe Manager App Reviews

Paprika Recipe Manager App
Based on  0 Reviews
TAGS:Mobile App 
About Paprika Recipe Manager App
Paprika is an app that helps customers organize recipes from the web, make meal plans and create grocery lists. Paprika's built-in browser allows customers to save recipes from anywhere on the web and it can also save recipes from other apps, which can save them time and money.

How it Works:

Once a recipe is saved from Paprika's browser, users put key information about it and can categorize dishes like "Thanksgiving" or "desserts." Paprika also includes a meal planner and a grocery list function that allows users to add recipe ingredients to their shopping list with one click. 
People can also use the "scale" function to scale recipes up or down depending on how many servings will be made. While people are cooking, the app also helps keep the screen on when a recipe is open so people don't have to worry about the screen turning off while cooking.
The free cloud sync allows people to seamlessly sync data across all of the devices whether it is a phone or tablet. 
In addition to saving recipes, people can make monthly mean plans to save time and money using Paprika's meal planner. 

Cost and Price Plans:

You can download a trial for 30 days and the app is $19.99. You can use all of the app's features on the trial except for the Paprika Cloud sync. 

Customer Service:

You can find answers to common questions on the forum page ( or you can submit a question on the site ( 

Online Customer Reviews/Complaints:

Customers who have downloaded the app give high ratings, 4.5 out of 5 stars. They find it very easy to use, love the functions, and find that the program syncs well across devices. Even though Paprika is more expensive than other recipe management apps, people find it is worth it for all of the functions. 
Some people commented that the ingredients could not be associated with specific dishes and they could not search for recipes by ingredient. Also, Andriod users cannot currently buy Paprika. Sometimes the app did not accurately or successful import a recipe online and people had to do more steps to save the recipe. 

Competitors and Alternatives:

Tender, Allthcooks, and Epicurious are just a few of many apps that help people find new recipes and organize grocery lists.

Where to Buy?

Customers can download the app on the Paprika website ( 
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